Jan 6, 2009

A Stock Making Tutorial, Part 2

As promised in Part 1, you will now proceed to your exercise regime. It's not really too bad, honestly. A little messy and a little heavy if you're using cast iron cookware. That's all.

The key is in the straining. Back and forth removing large and small pieces until you are left with a lovely liquid filled with nutrition. It will NOT look like the cans of broth you buy at the store. No. This will be rich and dark, flavorful and aromatic. No preservatives. Delightful.

OK--enough rhapsodizing.

After the 12-24 hours (I did 22 hours), here's what it looks like:

Set a large pot in the sink and use a colander to lift out all the large chunks of food. Have another pot in which to empty the colander. Repeat until the big pieces are completely removed from the original cooking pot.

Now the REAL fun begins. Pour the broth through the colander in the sink pot. Then pour it through the colander into the cooking pot.

Next, make sure you have one of THESE. It is worth more than its weight (it's light) in the uses you will find for it in the kitchen! Make sure it has the little "grabbers" to hang onto the edge of the pot. Pour the broth back and forth between pots a couple of times, tapping the leavings out each time.

I got this tiny fine mesh colander at a boutique called the dollar store. It was....a dollar. Pour back and forth a couple of times, tapping out the leavings each time.

This picture doesn't do it justice, but I TOLD you it was dark and lovely.

Finally, pour into two cup containers, cool, and freeze.

For practically free. Free's good.

If I had bought the equivalent amount of (inferior) chicken broth at the store, it would have cost (let's see, 14.5 ounce cans, carry the one, multiply by 8...) well, a lot more!

Just kidding. I called the store to get the price. A 14.5 ounce can of the generic cost $.59. My stock represents just under 9 cans of the store-bought. Nine cans times $.59 = $5.31. SAVED.

Love it.


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