Nov 17, 2009

Making Room for One More: Part 2

As I mentioned in Part 1 of hauling my furniture all over my house, turning the den into a bedroom meant that what was IN the den had to find a new place to live.

Since I moved my desk out to the main living space, that provided some space. Not much space, however. I knew it would be tight, but I measured twice, moved once and managed to make this space that WAS my office. . .

. . .into what I am now calling the library. Here's a peek into the door. Not too bad. Now go on into the room and you'll see. . .

. . . BOOKS! This little 8 x 10 room is packed full, but serviceable.

I've never read a blog where the rooms were changed around monthly. Mine might be a first in this genre. I'd like to say that it's done for a while. As you know, though, "never say never."


Packrat said...

Love the library. You might be the only one who has blogged about moving furniture so much, but you aren't the only one who has done it. :) Anyway, I hope you are done for a while.

FarmMom said...

Roxanne, I LOVE the new look! It seems just perfect for your new situation. Still very "homey" and practical!! Job well done!

Roxanne said...

Packrat--True. I suppose multiple rooms of furniture being moved isn't exactly exciting blog posting! I see I've lost a reader. It was probably the moving.

FarmMom--thanks for the compliment. J has already tested it out to make sure it worked properly.

Packrat said...

Oops, I meant I hope you are done *having to* move furniture for a while. I like reading your tales. You sound so normal. :)

Packrat said...

That still didn't come out sounding right. Shall I dig myself a deep hole to crawl out of? lol

By normal, I meant real things and real life happen to you. You have a lovely family, and you are fun to visit with. You have a positive attitude. You talk about your ups and downs. And, you tell us about achievements but without making "me" feel inferior.

Hope things are going okay. Everything on schedule???

Roxanne said...

Packrat--thank you for your "explanation." It came at a good time and is appreciated.

The situation here is going along as well as could be expected. There have been a few glitches, but they'll get ironed out, too.

I just finished a Sonic Butterfinger Blast to celebrate that the final stretch is before us. Or maybe I just wanted a Sonic Blast.

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