Making Room for One More: Part 1
(NOTE: This is officially the half-way mark for my commitment to blog every day in November. I've missed only one which is pretty great considering all the major upheaval and east coast traveling I'm doing!)
We have arrived in Augusta. This hotel has WiFi that actually works. Imagine that?
Before I left I snapped some photos of the "new" rooms that I had spent about 8000 hours on Tuesday and Wednesday preparing. The first area to go under the wrecking ball was the den. It has the propane stove in it so that my MIL can attempt to be warm. Right now in GA it is 72 degrees. Right now "up north" it is 47 degrees. That's almost a complete reverse of numbers. My MIL is worried. She's lived in the south all of her life. So, we're putting her in this room where she can crank the heat up to her heart's content!
This is the "before" photo as you look into the room that I took last spring. (That's a greenhouse temporarily occupying the sunny window space.)
Here's the view from the closet showing the heat source. Notice the abundance of shelves and books. We used to have a LOT more books. Thankfully, I've been decluttering!

Here's looking at the heat source. It's all tested and ready to go!
You read my mind! (giggles) I was so worried about how cold your MIL would be. Looks great.
Packrat--We are now in Augusta (where it's 79 degrees!!!) and my MIL has the HEAT on in her house.
Oh boy. It's going to be interesting...
79 sounds wonderful right now!
This is none of my business. But, I'm thinking that if MIL has any income she'll need to help with the heating bills. No need to answer. Just a thought.
Oh, and hit the thrift stores to buy lots of sweaters for her. :)
Hi there,
So not wanting to be a kill joy here, but older people don't tend to feel the heat like us younger folks. + combine that with being used to a warmer climate...
Every older person I know of likes it HOT. (and I'm an easily get cold type)
My in-laws keep their house so hot, my husband and I can hardly sleep without cracking the window.
Grandparents were the same way -- so bad we had to wear shorts in the (MICHIGAN) winter.
Good luck with this. Good thing she will have her own stove : )
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