Nov 19, 2009

Speaking of small spaces

I thought I'd interrupt my "saga" of life-changing-activities to show you a wonderful find. I've actually had this book for a few years, but I came across it when I was relocating my bookshelves and books.

This is a book of house plans from circa 1919 for pre-built homes. The idea was to choose a plan and the supplies for that plan would be shipped to the plot of land and could be put together like Lincoln Logs! Choices within the plan had to do with door styles, lighting options, etc. The plan was the plan, though. Here's the cover:

The front of the book is about 10 pages describing how all of this would work. The first actual plan is pictured below. The houses are arranged from lowest to highest price. This one would have cost a whole $847. If cash was paid, they'd knock off $42.35. If credit needed to be used, it would be $423.50 down and monthly payments of $17.65 for TWO YEARS.

I hope that I've uploaded this so that it can be clicked on to enlarge, because it's really fun to read.
There are 49 more plans. I wouldn't scan them all (!), but will scan more if anyone is interested. I'm going to try to do a little research about the "Sterling" company, but would appreciate any information anyone may already have.
If you're LIVING in a home by Sterling, I will require details and full video house tour. Just giving you a heads-up.


Packrat said...

Wow, what a find! I personally request more scans. That'll give you a topic a day for a while. LOL

My house is circa 1919, but I have the original blue print and know who drew it and built the house. I've seen similar houses in house plan books, so it was probably copied.

Thanks for sharing. I dream house plans.

Roxanne said...

It IS a great find, isn't it? I'm a houseplan fan myself. I'll definitely scan a few more in when I get home.

Tonight we're in PA. We've just gone through a Sheraton nightmare. Actually, it's still going on.

Tomorrow we'll be HOME!!!

Packrat said...

Hope things look up soon! Wishing you a safe trip home. Bet you will be really glad to get there.

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