Reminiscing with pics
This post will come up on the 20th. During most of the 20th I will be traveling. . .HOME! I'm really looking forward to being there even though "home" will be different than before.
Meanwhile, I was looking through some pics that I had scanned and came across these. Here's a quick background:
In 1962, my mom escaped from an abusive husband with her 8yo daughter in tow and drove until she reached Ft. Myers, FL. She stopped there because she ran out of gas. She rented an apartment in this building. That's her walking up the sidewalk.The landlord of the building was my father. Well, my future father. He was from New York and had come to Florida during the big building boom of the early 60s. He owned this apartment house but worked at a gas station. He was 44 years old and quite the bachelor. He was considered a "rich Yankee" even though he really wasn't. Rich, that is. He was definitely a "Yankee!"
He rented the apartment to my mom and not too long after they began to date. I was told that it was her southern fried chicken that sealed the deal.
This picture shows the back of the apartment building. On the left side of the picture down the driveway are "Surinam Cherry" trees/bushes. Does anyone know about them? They tasted FANTASTIC. I'm craving them now.

When my dad finally returned, I was asleep. He woke me and got me up and there was a bright red ring around my bottom from that plastic bowl. They thought it was hilarious. I heard that story for years.
Ever since then, I have no interest in spending more time than necessary in the bathroom. I take care of business and get on out of there.
I blame that childhood episode.
That was beautiful. That last part, classic. LOL
It is great to hear about your childhood and your family.
Thank you.
I don't think I'm ever going to live that story down. . .
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