A Must-See blog

My sister has discovered a new blog that you MUST go and check out. It is totally up my alley! I've been having fun wandering around and enjoying everything.
I'm almost inspired to get to my sewing machine and sew myself a nice apron already.
If you'd like to see it for yourself, click on the clothesline picture above.
Thanks, Sis!
Roxanne, couldn't get the link to work.
Thanks for letting me know.
It's fixed now!
Thanks! Headed there now.
Oh, great find! I will have to spend some serious time on this!
Thanks doll,
The Glamorous Housewife
You're Welcome!! It made me want to sew too!
Glam--I'm glad to recommend it. Nearly all of the good blogs I've found have been because someone posted about them!
HappyMom--Do you have that sewing project started yet?
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