Jan 12, 2009

Week Four: Monday (Day 16)

We're having a repeat. It's easy and I actually froze the bread from the last time because we didn't eat it then! Directions are: open cans, heat, consume.

Baked Beans, Brown Bread, Salad.

Short and to the point.


Jitterbug said...

Your foremothers would have agreed, I think. The whole brown bread/baked beans meal came about as they needed something to serve on Sundays that could be prepared Saturday night. Love me some B&M!

Roxanne said...

The original Fast Food!

The BB/BB meal was a new experience for me when I moved north 11 years ago. Right now I'm just opening cans (can it GET any easier??), but I am working toward making my own and letting them slow cook on my wood burning heat stove.

BB/BB is a very Up North/New England kind of thing. The southern version is BBQ baked beans with corn bread on the side.

Either way, it's quick comfort food on a COLD night!

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