Oct 4, 2009

The wisdom of sewing

Considering how rough September was, I thought it was ironic that I came across this embroidered version of a WWII British poster (which originally said "Keep Calm and Carry On"):

First of all, it's nice for the reminder to "stay calm." I've allowed too many worries that I can do nothing about to disturb my peace, so I really should just do what the poster says.

What's funny is that in our "move" to the basement, I tidied up my sewing area and began to be excited about the prospect of FINALLY getting to some projects that I've been ignoring. Since we'll be down there for the evening, I think I just might work my way through them.

There you have it. A simple answer to life's problems. Just stay calm. And sew stuff.

Who knew?


Mary said...

Yes, I've missed you! What a cool sign. Where do ladies with blogs like yours FIND all this stuff??? It is great. Thanks for sharing.

Roxanne said...

Mary--Thanks for missing me!

I don't know about the others, but for me I just wander around from one google search to another and from one person's retro-style blog to another and things pop up.

This sign came up when I typed in "sew WWII stuff" because I had seen the poster somewhere in my reading on the era.

Google is a happy invention!

weenie_elise said...

Ah... Good old "Keep Calm and Carry on"

Roxanne said...

Weenie--So, so simple. So, so TRUE!

Packrat said...

Neat poster. Well, sewing does take concentration so it takes your mind off your worries - unless one is in a huge panic to finish a project by a certain time. LOL

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