Nov 7, 2009

Money: 30 Days of Encouragement offer

My husband and I have been living primarily on a "cash" system since May 2009. We have used checks to pay all bills, Paypal for online purchases, and cash for just about everything else. It has been an interesting experience. I'll write more about that later, but I wanted to mention a wonderful website that was an encouragement as we were making the transition to cash.

The site is named, Modern Retro Woman (How to Live Like Your Grandmother in a Modern World) and is written by Dr. Julie-Ann. EVERY post is informative and/or inspirational!

On particular help is a an offer of 30 days of Money Management Tips. These come via your email, one each day. Each tip is culled from "yesterday" and how the pre-credit-card society managed their money. This is a free service and I encourage you to sign up. I saved my emails and go through them every once in a while to focus my mindset about money.

HERE is where you sign up for the service. Thank you, Dr. Julie-Ann, for putting this together. It's great! (I also LOVE the argyle background...)


Packrat said...

Thanks, I'll check out this website. My husband and I have been living "cash only" for about 3 years. Of course, we still have a mortgage. My husband does have a line of credit with a couple companies he does business with almost every day. Even these get paid with check at the end of the month. Oh, and yes, it was incredibly scary at first. Now it is a habit.

Roxanne said...

Packrat--you should write about your experience. I'd be very eager to read about it!

Dr. Julie-Ann said...

Thanks, Roxanne, for your very kind words!

And, of course, I am very delighted that you find the messages so inspirational that you re-read them. I'll let you in on a secret, I re-read them, too, just to keep me on track.

Roxanne said...

Dr. Julie-Ann--I hope others will sign up for the tips. They're awesome!

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