Feb 9, 2011

Fun Filing

(The above files are only $1.98 for 12 at Lillian Vernon. I'm trying my best to resist them!)

I love organization. I love storage items. I love files--especially if they're pretty. What I usually put IN the files is fairly mundane. Aside from customer names, I have titles like "Electricity," "Amex Card," and "Bank Statements." My homeschool file titles are more interesting: "Lapbook Ideas," "Outdoor Activities," and "Curriculum Catalogs."

Because I have seen the benefits of organizing papers, I wanted to instill some good habits in my son. About once a month we go through the REAMS of drawings and writings he puts forth to reduce the amounts, categorize them, and then neatly store them in files.

His titles are more attention-grabbing than mine, though. What's inside the folders is more entertaining, too! I'll be posting a few choice selections in the near future because they they're just too much fun NOT to share!

Do you have boring titles like mine or do you have snazzy topics like the following:

  • Cars (Pixar)
  • Castles
  • Club House (with his imaginary club friends)
  • Comics (his own)
  • Jokes (as in written by the 8yo)
  • Miscellaneous (3 files of that!)
  • My Music
  • Natural Disasters
  • Planets (an ongoing passion)
  • Robots
  • Sticker Stories
  • Vegetables (yes)
  • Wall-E (an old passion)

It's good to be able to find that piece of paper you're looking for, isn't it?


weenie_elise said...

it's great to be able to find what you are looking for, but I find "Miscellaneous" files to be giant black holes.

Roxanne said...

Ha! I agree. What my son doesn't know is that the "miscellaneous" files will be gone through by Mama . . . without his knowing.

Don't tell him.

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