Jan 1, 2012

A New Year With New Resolutions

Happy New Year, Y'all!

Quick update: My sister and her family closed on their house on December 30th. Friday and Saturday they were moving in. (I got to take care of the baby! BIG fun!) Sunday was church and then errands. Yesterday and today I'm catching up on things (laundry mountain being just one of them).

Yesterday I also spent many hours revamping the personal and business finances, prepping for taxes, and thinking about this year's resolutions.

I've come up with four for weekly reporting. Last year I called it "Resolution Tuesday." Most weeks it was AFTER Tuesday that I finally got my report done. So, this year I will be posting a "Resolution Wednesday." Why, you ask? Even if you didn't ask, here are the reasons why: My paperwork day is on Wednesday, Monday is usually a recover-from-the-weekend day, and Tuesday is the momentum day after Monday's big push!

This year's resolutions will be:

Area 1: 2012 in 2012
Because my sister's family moving in provided the big kick-in-the-pants I needed to get the basement in order (so my dh and I could sleep there), we actually have usable space down there again! Along with cleaning it up I discovered we had been packratting away down there.

Another pathetic area of clutter is our garage. Though it's mostly my dh's fault (really, it is!), I'm tired of checking my deed to see if the rumor that we have an attached 2-card garage is true.

With those two areas in mind, I am going to keep a running total of items that will be leaving my house. My goal is 2012 items OUT. If I bring things in, then the total will go back up. By the end of 2012, 2012 items will NOT BE ON MY PROPERTY!

Area 2: Weight
I really, really didn't want to put this one on. I'm so tired of my half-hearted efforts not rewarding me with spectacular weight loss. I'm tired of the embarrassment of reporting that I'm so not being faithful in this area. I decided that I still want this to happen and that I at least felt motivated enough to keep 7 pounds off last year.

I just need a new plan for reporting.

It will be a no excuse, no frills reporting. I will have a daily point system that will give a quick picture of how things are going. I'll post about that separately. Hopefully this will work better for me.

Area 3: Long-term goals (that are beyond a year's attainment)
I have two: The Yard Plan, and Reducing the Debt. I will report on those as there is something to report, perhaps a monthly instead of a weekly accounting.

Area 4: Outdoor Time
Don't laugh! I really mean this one. If it were totally my choice, I would never touch foot outside of a building. Too hot, too cold, too buggy, too humid, too many excuses! I absolutely know that it is good to be outside, both mentally and physically. My son is getting older and I don't want to miss the active stuff with him. (It might also help with Resolution Area #2!)

My plan is to spend AT LEAST 15-30 minutes outside EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I can spend more than that, just not less. Walking from the house to the car to the store does not count. It has to be purposely spending time in nature.

There. My resolutions for 2012. Are you making any? Will you be reporting on them regularly? If so, let me know.

With a new year, I needed a new logo for my weekly updates. Of course it had to be retro.


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