Before and After: The Seating Area
A MONTH ago we painted three rooms in the main area of the house. I had a contest and everything about what y'all thought were the new colors for the walls. Click HERE for that info. I got pictures of everything except the kitchen. I keep waiting for it to be daytime AND clean at the same time. Soon, very soon.
Anyway, here is the "before" of the seating area. I recovered the couch (HERE is the post about that) and the new fabric clashed horribly with the wallpaper. What to do? We debated for about a month. My SIL was coming to visit, so we made her arrival our deadline for completing this task.
Down came the wallpaper. It has been there for eleven years. I stopped liking it about 4 years ago.
Then, we painted. Below is the color we chose:

Since we now had a colonial blue, I wanted to change the lighting. (I haven't decided what to do on the wall behind the couch just yet. Perhaps when the next company is due to arrive...)

I was t.i.r.e.d. of the brass colored lamp, though. I couldn't stand the thought of putting it back up. My husband saved the day when he suggested painting it. We have black iron curtain rods in the den, so he painted the light black, too. It turned out SO great!

Soon I'll reveal the kitchen's new look. I just have to CLEAN it first!
So pretty. Brilliant husband. :) Can't wait to see your kitchen.
Thanks for the award, Weenie!
I'll try to take care of the details asap.
Packrat--I ALMOST got a pic of the kitchen today. Then, I realized my husband had taken the camera with him. I WILL get one, I promise LOL!
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